Monday, January 18, 2010

No pictures...

I forgot to take the camera with me today, but I got some more work done.

I used dowels and plugged the holes where those engine brackets were bolted through the transom. After the glue sets up I'll sand it smooth. Then the transom will be ready for stain.

Next I measured, cut and dry-fit the blocking for the backs of the rear facing seats. Next, I'll start the staining and varnishing process on those.

Friday, January 1, 2010

I didn't quit. I'm no Sarah Palin.

The entire month of December was not conducive to working on a boat, in a tent, outside. In the last 4 weeks we saw only 2 days where the temperature broke 20 degrees. The second of which was today. After Kathy and I took the kids bowling, I got to work.

I fired up the space heater in the tent and got to work on finishing the interior panels. I bought a new jigsaw, so doing all the odd cuts was much faster. After 2 hours of work, the interior panels are done.

Next, I took the shop-vac to the boat and snapped some pictures.

It's coming together nicely.