Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Got some more work done today.

I started off today working on the port side hull, scraping and sanding. With the exception of the aft splash rail, the white paint was remarkably strong. There was a little loose paint here and there that scraped off, and a few lap fasteners need to be filled in where they were countersunk. Other than that, I just sanded it smooth in order to prep it for new paint. The paint on the splash rail peeled right off. The wood seems OK underneath, though (not soft or crumbly at all).

The bottom paint is a different story. There are multiple coats of different colored paint there. It was some tough scraping, but I was able to work my way down and get nearly the entire port side done (except for where the trailer bunks are).

After that I was done with crawling around on the ground. So I turned my attention to the port side aft gunwhale. It appears that the previous owner repaired some rot there, and replaced the mahogany with ply. The ply has since delaminated. After tracing a template onto a piece of scrap wood, I carefully pried the wood off. I was able to get it off in one piece, so I didn't need the template (better safe than sorry). I'm going to replace it with a piece of solid mahogany.

After that, the mosquitoes were swarming like something out of a late-nite sci-fi channel movie starring Lorenzo Llamas, so I quickly made some measurements for the rear facing seats, and got outta dodge.

1 comment:

  1. He wasn't as smelly as he usually is after working on the boat...that was nice.
