Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pluggin' away...

Today I continued working on the bow deck. I finished scraping off the old varnish on the large flat areas. The only part left to scrape is the center ridge ( i don't know the correct term for it). So far so good. The mahogany under the finish is in good shape and should finish up nicely. There are 2 spots where some wood came up with the finish. They are hardly noticable, though.

Next, I turned my attention to the console. That was tough. There were at least 3 dozen screws holding it together and holding it to the rear of the front seat. They did not want to come out.

More measuring clued me into the fact that neither the steering cables nor the throttle cables will reach from the engine to the dash. So I am going to have to start searching ebay. Buying them new is a ripoff.

I did have a "that was cool" moment. The wires for the lights and the switch for them reached the dash no problem. Yay.

1 comment:

  1. "The only part left to scrape is the center ridge ( i don't know the correct term for it)." It's called the kingplank.
